
Medical Instrumentation and Simulators

An innovation platform to realize new ideas, inventions, and technologies in healthcare that help medical support at a low cost enabling the most valuable ideas to be identified, patented, funded and developed.


On Going Research Projects:

  • Telemonitoring and Telediagnosis System Development for Adult and Elderly Patients (Telestesia)
  • Development of Virtual Reality (VR) Technology : Implant and IUD Installation Module
  • Development of Virtual Reality (VR) Technology : Perineal Rupture Repair (PRR) Module
  • Pengembangan Whole Slide Scanner
  • KINESIA : Foot Exercise Equipment
  • CARDIUM & CARDICARE : Health monitoring tool to measure the risk of cardiovascular disease and diabetes that integrated with mobile phone application
  • Practical Anatomy Book Based on Augmented Reality (AR) and Mixed Reality (MR) as Supporting Hybrid- and Blended-Learning Medicine
  • Development of Virtual Reality (VR) Technology : Airway Management Module
  • Development of Virtual Reality (VR) Technology : High Quality Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation (CPR) Module

Publications Highlights

  • Mirtha, L. T. et al. 2021. The formula for calculating the predicted value of cardiorespiratory endurance using a foot rest-based cardiorespiratory exercise device, Science Progress. DOI: 10.1177/00368504211010637
  • Dhelika, R., Hadi, A.F. and Yusuf, P.A. (2021) ‘Development of a Motorized Hospital Bed with Swerve Drive Modules for Holonomic Mobility’, Applied Sciences, 11(23), p. 11356. doi:10.3390/app112311356.
  • Nadhif, et. al. 2020. Development and Performance Analysis of an Electrically Automated Portable Negative Pressure Wound Therapy (El Cuero) Sling Bag. International Journal of Advanced Science and Technology. PP. 3163 – 3174. ISSN: 2005-4238 IJAST
  • Nadhif, et. al. 2019. Fabrication and Characterization of an Affordable Condition Bio-Specimen Transporter (CONBIPORT) for Urban Areas. International Journal of Technology 10(8): 1626-1634. DOI: 10.14716/ijtech.v10i8.3523
  • Eddin, E.N. et al. (2017) ‘Building Business Process on Tele-Ultrasonography: An International Collaboration of Medical Technology Development’, Advanced Science Letters, 23(7), pp. 6861–6865. doi:10.1166/asl.2017.9418.

List of HKI

  • Paten Produk dan Metode Penggunaan Tombol Kontrol pada Piranti Penyembuhan Luka Bertekanan Vakum Portabel – MH. Nadhif, TOH. Prasetyono, MB. Azhari, R. Chevi, SF. Abdurrahman, PA. Yusuf, AP. Susanto
  • Paten Produk ALat Pelindung Muka Berbahan Multi Polimer dengan Fabrikasi Pembentukan Termal Vakum – MH. Nadhif, M. Irsyad, H. Assyarify, PA. Yusuf, Y. Whulanza, S. Supriadi, LT. Mirtha

Team Member

Principal Investigator : Dr. dr. Theddeus O.H. Prasetyono, SpBP-RE(K)

Research Assistant : Arierta Pujitresnani, S.Si, M.Si

Researcher :

  1. dr. Prasetyanugraheni Kreshanti, SpBP-RE(KKF)
  2. dr. Anindya Pradipta Susanto, B.Eng, M.M
  3. Dr. Ir. Ahyahudin Sodri, S.T, M.Sc
  4. dr. Agus Rizal Hamid SpU(K), Ph.D
  5. Dr. dr. Listya Tresnanti Mirtha, SpKO
  6. ir. Muhammad Hanif Nadhif, S.T
  7. Muhammad Satrio Utomo, M.Sc
  8. dr. Harim Priyono, SpTHTKL(K)

