
Artificial Intelligence in Medicine and Digital Health

Artificial Intelligence in Medicine and Digital Health (AIDH) is a multidisciplinary research group that brings together artificial intelligence experts (computer scientists, data scientists, and biomedical engineers) with medical experts to solve medical and biomedical problems. In this age, AI technology and digital health are closely related. Digital health looks for digital solutions to promote the health of the body and the mind whereas AI attempts to reproduce feats of the mind in digital form. 


Digital health connects and empowers people and populations to manage health and wellness, augmented by accessible and supportive provider teams working within flexible, integrated, interoperable, and digitally-enabled care environments that strategically leverage digital tools, technologies, and services to transform care delivery. Under this broad definition, digital health takes many forms, including those we can provide: Telehealth, Big Data, Imaging & Diagnostics, Providers & Concierge Technology. 


AI is not just a machine that is able to perform tasks that normally require human intelligence. To be classified as AI, the software must be able to solve a problem or produce an outcome better than any single human can. There’s a great deal of potential in limited memory—an enormous amount of work is being done in this field, and there’s a lot still to be done. Examples of AI currently at work in healthcare include: Machine Learning, Natural Language Processing (NLP), Machine Vision, etc.


List on-going projects Artificial Intelligence in Medicine and Digital Health (AIDH) :
1. The RAIT Study – CAD4TB: Prediction of Tuberculosis Disease Using Chest X-Ray (CXR) and Artificial Intelligence
2. The FIGHT COVID-19 Study: Scoring of Pneumonia COVID-19 Using Chest X-Ray (CXR) and Artificial Intelligence
3. Clinical Epidemiological and Radiological Based Scoring to Predict Tumor Regrowth in Patients with Meningioma using Machine Learning
4. Early Detection of Psychotic Mental Disorders in High-Risk Adolescents using Semantic Analysis and syntax based on Machine learning.
5. Cervicam : screening lesions for cervical pre-cancer using the IVA method with an image-recognition model and Artificial Intelligence
6. Diabetic Retinopathy – RetCAD. Classification of Diabetic Disease Based on Retinopathy Image Using Digital Image Processing and Artificial Intelligence
7. TelMed: Aplikasi Telemedicine Berbasis Smartphone untuk Pelayanan Kesehatan dan Penatalaksanaan Jarak Jauh COVID-19 di Indonesia
8. Aplikasi Smart LANSIA Indonesia (ASLI)
9. Aplikasi Telinga Kecil ku


Publications Highlights

List of HKI

List Hak Kekayaan Intelektual (HKI) :

  1. Program Komputer “Papan Permainan Magnetik Dan Aplikasi Augmented Reality (AR) (Piringku Masa Depanku)”
  2. Program Komputer “EndCorona”
  3. Website: Peta Mobilitas Masyarakat dan Kasus COVID-19 Indonesia
  4. Policy Brief: Menekan Laju Pertambahan Kasus COVID-19 dengan Mengendalikan Pergerakan Masyarakat dan Meningkatkan Perilaku 3M
  5. Policy Brief: Meningkatkan Kepatuhan Terhadap Protokol Kesehatan dan Mencegah Stigma COVID-19
  6. Policy Brief: Meningkatkan Kesehatan Mental Selama dan Pasca COVID-19
  7. Simple VIA (Visual Inspection With Acetic Acid) Labeler
  8. Aplikasi Telemedicine Berbasis Smartphone untuk Pelayanan Kesehatan dan  Penatalaksanaan Jarak Jauh COVID-19 di Indonesia

Team Member

Principal Investigator : dr. Eric Daniel Tenda, DIC, PhD, SpPD, FINASIM

Research Assistant : Arierta Pujitresnani, S.Si, M.Si

Researcher :

  1. Prasandhya Astagiri Yusuf, S.Si, M.T, Ph.D
  2. Dr. dr. Boy Subirosa Sabarguna, MARS
  3.  dr. Reyhan Eddy Yunus, M.Sc, SpRad
  4.  Dr. dr. Aria Kekalih, M.T.I
  5. dr. Damar Susilaradeya, M.Res, Ph.D
  6. dr. Mohamad Yanuar Amal, MBA, SpRad
  7.  dr. Aly Lamuri, M.Sc
